Wednesday 1 February 2012

Lara croft

 She represents the idealistic woman and in some ways woman all around would refer to her as the ultimate woman, because we see her doing all the stunts and also seen as a strong independent women which every women in the world would like to be seen as instead of the stay at home mother. She is not seen as a damsel in distress she proves that it is not just men who can perform all of these but woman are also capable of performing similar things. but on the other hand it could be argued that she does not in fact represent the majority of women as effectively as she could because she is seen as a promiscuous woman because she is wearing so little and gives off a kind of seducing vibe, and the majority of women just thinks of her as a sex symbol again due to the clothes they put on this character. Lara Croft challenges the normal woman as in that a woman should be at home cleaning, but she is out there being adventurous and showing that she is more than capable of doing a man's job.

The second female character I will be looking at is Ling Xiaoyu who is from the popular game of tekken. She is represented as a female who cannot look after herself as she is still at school and relies a lot on her parents. Whereas the ambition compared between both characters is completely different as Ling Xiaoyu is more of a fun and outgoing person whereas Lara croft is seen as a very serious person so there attitudes are completely different but are both in fighting games so they are some comparisons and differences.

Monday 23 January 2012

Claude Levi-Strauss

Fact 1: Claude Lévi-Strauss (28 November 1908 – 30 October 2009) was a French anthropologist and ethnologist, and has been called, along with James George Frazer, the "father of modern anthropology".
Fact 2: In 2008 he became the first member of the Académie Française to reach the age of 100 and one of the few living authors to have his works published in the Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. On the death of Maurice Druon on 14 April 2009, he became the Dean of the Académie, its longest-serving member.
Fact 3: He died on 30 October 2009, a few weeks before his 101st birthday. The death was announced four days later. French President Nicolas Sarkozy described him as "one of the greatest ethnologists of all time". Bernard Kouchner, the French Foreign Minister, said Lévi-Strauss "broke with an ethnocentric vision of history and humanity At a time when we are trying to give meaning to globalisation, to build a fairer and more humane world, I would like Claude Lévi-Strauss's universal echo to resonate more strongly".
Fact 4: Lévi-Strauss sought to apply the structural linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure to anthropology. At the time, the family was traditionally considered the fundamental object of analysis, but was seen primarily as a self-contained unit consisting of a husband, a wife, and their children. Nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents all were treated as secondary. Lévi-Strauss argued that, however, akin to Saussure's notion of linguistic value, families acquire determinate identities only through relations with one another. Thus he inverted the classical view of anthropology, putting the secondary family members first and insisting on analyzing the relations between units instead of the units themselves.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Eastenders work

Alfie moon
Role: his role in eastenders is the pubs landlord as well as a full time father with a wife
The way he is portrayed is that he is a very cool and collective person but people well know he is not the calmest of people at curtain stages. He is also shown as a very happy/lively person this is shown in the way the directors use the mise-en-scene for example the facial expressions as he never seems to be down or depressed. This is also shown in the way as they dress this character in vibrant clothing and flowery shirts this gives the impression of happiness.